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Details as advertised:
The RDS welcomes
Monty Roberts to the
2010 Fáilte Ireland
Dublin Horse Show
which takes place from
Wednesday, the 4th
to Sunday, the 8th of
August inclusive.
Monty Roberts the word renowned
natural horseman will
demonstrate his revolutionary
equine training techniques during
an hour long demonstration on
each day of the Show.
The sessions will include a
demonstration of Monty’s
legendary JoinUp technique
with a young horse that has not
previously been saddled or ridden,
a trailer loading session with a
difficult horse that refuses to
load, and ridden and non-ridden
remedial sessions with problem
To book your ticket to see Monty
Roberts at this year’s Fáilte Ireland
Dublin Horse Show, visit
Daily general admission ¤21.00,
please note there is no extra
charge to attend Monty’s
For more information see http://connectedhorsemanship.wordpress.co m/category/monty-roberts-at-the-dublin-horse-show/